Our online AP Statistics course for high school homeschoolers is offered as a full-year asynchronous
class or in a self-paced format. Students will explore major themes of statistics such as data collection, experimental design, probability, and testing statistical claims through inference procedures to prepare for the AP Exam. In the process, they will learn how to apply statistics to the everyday world around them.
Asynchronous AP Statistics Class: Students will work through weekly teacher-recorded instructional lessons and practice problems aligned with the updated AP Statistics Course and Exam Description provided by College Board. Weekly due dates and detailed feedback on all assignments from the instructor will keep students on pace to be prepared for the AP Exam.
Self-Paced AP Statistics Classes: Students cover the same material as the asynchronous class through weekly recorded instructional lessons. Students will receive the same detailed feedback on all assignments from the instructor. Students will progress through the SP class at a pace that fits their schedule.
Live Unit Reviews: During live unit reviews, students will meet on Zoom with their instructor and work together with their peers. The focus of these meetings will be to work through targeted AP Exam multiple choice (MC) and free response questions (FRQ). We will discuss AP Exam test-taking strategies and look closely at AP Exam FRQ rubrics to teach students how to answer question efficiently and effectively for the timed test.
Both asynchronous year-long and self-paced students are highly encouraged to attend.
We will review both past and current material to teach students to draw connections across units as the AP Exam FRQs often do.
These sessions will be recorded and posted for those who cannot attend.
There will be 3 live unit reviews each semester (roughly every 5 weeks apart), working around scheduled breaks and class tests.
Optional Live Study Hall: The instructor will offer a study hall for both asynchronous and self-paced students. The study hall can be utilized in two ways:
Drop in. Students can drop in to a Zoom study hall at any time for a quick question.
Homework time. They can log in to a Zoom study hall--with microphones muted and videos on or off--to work on their math homework and then unmute to get immediate help when questions arise.
Class Details
Class Options:
Asynchronous AP Statistics | Traditional full-year class
Self-Paced AP Statistics | Available to start from Sept 1 to Dec 1, 2025 | Must be completed by June 30, 2026
Tuition & Fees:
Asynchronous AP Statistics Tuition: $750
Self-Paced AP Statistics Tuition: $525
Digital Resource Fee: $55 (ebook included)
See all required class resources HERE.
Instructor: Ashley Porter
Class Dates: August 18, 2025 to May, 2026 (AP exam).
Live Unit Reviews: These sessions will occur on Thursdays @ 1:30-3:00 p.m. Eastern on the following dates:
Semester 1
September 18, 2025
October 23, 2025
December 11, 2025
Semester 2
January 22, 2026
February 26, 2026
April 2, 2026
Grade Level: 9th and up (14+) | Successfully completed Algebra 2 or Integrated Math 2
Live class size: 15
See our FAQ page for:
age/grade guidelines, prerequisites, and class fit recommendations
a complete list of days, times, and breaks
a list of CA charter schools where this course is a-g approved
Average weekly time estimate, including recorded instruction: 8-9 hours
All Blue Tent live math classes are NCAA approved,
This AP Statistics class complies with the AP course audit and has been approved by the College Board.
Mrs. Porter has earned the opportunity to be an AP Exam reader for 2025!
As an AP reader, Ashley will gain in-depth knowledge of the AP Exam and scoring process, and will be better prepared to assess her own students' work in the classroom and on unit reviews.
On the 2024 AP Statistics exam:
80% of BTO's full-year AP Stats students scored a 5.
By comparison, 18% of all students globally scored a 5.
Foundational Elements
All classes include recorded teaching videos. The asynchronous AP Statistics class includes periodic live unit reviews where students and the instructor will collaborate to prepare students for the AP Exam.
In their online classroom, AP Statistic students might see some of the following:
Short instructional videos demonstrating the use of statistics in the real world
Supplemental lecture videos to help formalize ideas that are being discovered through the activities
Homework problems that build on concepts students learn in assigned activities
Activities covering specific learning topics that are both aligned with sections of the book, and designed to cover AP exam standards
Short checkpoint quizzes to test understanding of terms and concepts
Cumulative tests that are designed to mimic the AP exam to give students thorough practice with the AP framework.
Core Resources
The updated 6th edition of The Practice of Statistics (2020) is one of the most widely used high school statistics textbooks that is well known for explaining concepts in a clear manner and for helping students grasp statistical concepts.
Ashley Porter classes
AP Classroom will be used to monitor student progress on multiple choice practice as we complete each unit.
Barron’s AP Statistics is packed full of subject review, multiple choice practice, and free response questions with explained answers.
Weekly College Board-aligned activities and test prep from StatsMedic.
Ashley Porter has a particular passion for statistics, and she hopes students will join her in this highly useful class. She believes students will find it relevant and interesting no matter where their interests lie in high school, college, and beyond!