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Science Courses

General Biology
The Fine Print

Course Goals

  • To learn the different characteristics of organisms within each biological Kingdom

  • To study the relationship that exists among microscopic and macroscopic living organisms, including vertebrates and invertebrates

  • To classify the types of molecules of which all organisms are composed, understand their functions within cells, and explain the structure of cells

  • To explain the cellular processes involved in the maintenance of stable internal conditions within organisms

  • To learn the principles of Mendel genetics

  • To explain the processes of photosynthesis and respiration as they pertain to how organisms obtain and use energy to build and maintain body structures

  • To explain the processes and structures involved in the processes of digestion and nutrient absorption, and how these processes allow organisms to both acquire energy and maintain homeostasis

  • To describe the structures and processes involved in circulation and gas exchange within organisms and how these organ systems work together to maintain homeostasis

  • To record lab data and maintain proper techniques for MLA-based lab reports and papers

  • To respond appropriately to feedback, revising and improving course assignments

  • To actively participate in weekly on-line class discussion forums--sharing, comparing, and providing encouragement to peers


  • How do Biology, Honors Biology, and AP Biology compare? Find answers to that question in our FAQ.


Instructor Demo​

  • ZOOM Demo: Bekah Hilton's instructional approach and previews of technology resources that she and students will be using.


Course Resources

Text and Interactive Resources


Lab Resources and Supplies

  • Required:

    • Microscope (see our FAQ if you would like suggestions)

    • Colored pencils

    • Custom lab kit | Ordering information will be provided by the instructor | Cost: approximately $60

      • Note: a microscope will not be included in the lab kit

    • Common lab supplies | A list of supplies that can be purchased at your grocery store.will be provided by the instructor by June 1.


Technical Resources

  • Required:

    • A reliable internet connection

    • A computer with a web-cam

    • A working microphone

    • access to a PDF reader

  • Recommended:

    • Earbuds or a headset with a microphone (but your computer microphone will work)



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