What is the Refund Policy?
The annual Registration Fee is non-refundable.
If you pay a registration fee and then send us a charter PO, we will fully reimburse you for your prior payment.
A $50 withdrawal fee per class will be deducted from each tuition refund. This helps us cover administrative costs as well as bank and credit card fees which are never refunded to us.
Full-Year Classes:
100% of tuition, less the withdrawal fee, will be refunded for a full-year class withdrawal through July 31.
75% of tuition will be refunded, less the withdrawal fee, for a full-year class withdrawal between August 1 through the end of the first week of the class.
No tuition refunds will be issued after the end of the first week of a class.
​Semester Classes:
100% of tuition, less the withdrawal fee, will be refunded for a 1-semester class withdrawal up to 15 days prior to the start of the class.
75% of tuition, less the withdrawal fee, will be refunded for a 1-semester class withdrawal 14 days prior to the start and through the end of the first week of the class.
No tuition refunds will be issued after the end of the first week of a class.
Self-Paced Classes and Workshops:
100% of tuition, less the withdrawal fee, will be refunded prior to a student accessing a class online.
No tuition refunds will be issued after a student accesses a self-paced class.
Purchase Orders:
We welcome purchase orders from California charters or scholarship programs and understand that tuition cannot be paid up front.
Our withdrawal refund policy for purchase order payments is the same as above.
Upon withdrawal, families paying by purchase order agree to abide by the Blue Tent refund policy above and agree to pay out of pocket any balance due that their charter or program declines to pay.
​Digital resource payments are non-refundable.
How to Change or Withdraw from a Course
Please complete a Course Change/Withdrawal form. Once processed, you will receive a confirmation email.
Please contact us at bluetentclasses@gmail.com with questions or requests.