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Anna Harvey


At the beginning of the year, my knowledge and capacity for building essays was minimal. Now, at the end of the year, I'd like to say I've learned, not only how to write a proper essay, but how to format it. MLA 8 is a really professional-looking way of writing essays. so I'm able to look professional in essays outside of this class! I'm sure it surprised my other teachers 😉. My essays are now more functional, well-structured, and also easy-to-read whilst containing the proper information. Thank you for this amazing year, Mrs. Harvey!

LA | Intro to Lit


This was my first online class and I really enjoyed having this experience! I've learned about taking notes for essays, creating citations, reaching out if you have questions, how to create a well-written essay, and so much more. Thank you for everything!

JM | Intro to Lit


One of the best parts of this class (my personal favorite), are the forums. There will be many discussions on the books you are reading and analyzing, poems, and essays.  There’s just something awesome about a conversation with 35 replies and even more replies to those replies, all created by a class.  The forums will allow you to consider ideas that never would have crossed your mind, and conflicting ones that make you reconsider your own viewpoints.  If you’re lucky like me, you’ll find yourself in a class with some phenomenal thinkers.


It will push you to observe, analyze, and think deeper than you think you can.  The grammar rules you will learn set a foundation for creative thinking and writing that will happen in this class.  Your papers will force you to take solid facts and weave them into your arguments and opinions, supporting them.  I know I’ve gotten better at organizing a paper and sources; Mrs. Harvey will guide you through, so don’t be intimidated.  They will build on each other as you write them throughout the year.  You’ll be able to use feedback from your first essay to improve your second, and so on.  In fact, that’s what’s great about this class.  Everything builds on previous knowledge, sort of like a Jenga tower getting higher and higher as you play.  Nothing feels like useless knowledge

ES | Intro to Lit


This class refined my basic knowledge of citations, and introduced me to dropped quotations, which I definitely had a lot of trouble with. Unlike my brother, my favorite part of the class was actually forums. Out of the 9 years I've been homeschooled, this is the first online class I've taken where the students actually "interact" with each other, so that was a new and amazing experience for me. This class has helped me so much. I believe (and hope) I will be walking into Mrs. Procter's class well prepared.

HI | Intro to Lit


All of my peers had interesting ideas to add to (forum) threads. A lot of them were conflicting, but I think that made everyone consider more viewpoints and think broader about whatever we were discussing. I also enjoyed getting to read all the essays throughout the year. Thank you for a great year, Mrs. Harvey; you are an amazing teacher!! I'm excited to take English with Mrs. Proctor next year, but I hope I can have you as a teacher again before I graduate.

ES | Intro to Lit



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