In this live online Honors Chemistry course, high school homeschoolers will collaborate with their teacher
and peers to develop a foundational understanding of chemistry and to prepare them for an AP or college-level chemistry course.
Chemistry is a course filled with new concepts for students. The challenge is that many of these concepts are not easily observed. We will work to connect chemistry to everyday phenomena, making the subject matter more relatable to students’ lives.
Class Details
Honors Chemistry | Traditional, full-year, live, lab-science class
Looking for options: See General Chemistry
Tuition & Fees:
Tuition: $775
Digital Resources Fee: $50 (includes the course ebook)
Custom Lab Kit: Approximately $91
See all required class resources HERE.
Instructor: Marcy Swisher
Dates: August 25, 2025 to May 8, 2026
Weekly Live Classes:
Section 1: Wednesdays @ 1-2:30 p.m. Eastern | Class size: 10-12 students - ALMOST FULL
Section 2: Tuesdays @ 1-2:30 p.m. Eastern | Class size: 10-12 students - ALMOST FULL
Grade Level: 9th-12th (14+)
Successful completion of Algebra 1. A strong grasp of basic algebra is essential.
A prior physical science class would be helpful but is not required.
See our FAQ for:
age/grade guidelines, prerequisites, and class fit recommendations
a complete list of days, times, and breaks
a list of CA charter schools where this course is a-g approved
Format: Students share an interactive online classroom and meet live on Zoom.
Attendance is required for live classes.
Cameras must stay on during live classes
Students will need to come to live classes prepared--having done the assigned reading/work.
Students will gain much more from live classes by coming to them with a base level of knowledge of what is going to be discussed. It will help them make sense of the discussions and encourage them to offer their own contributions.
Average weekly time estimate: 8-12 hours, including live class
All Blue Tent science courses are NCAA-approved.
Foundational Elements
Chemistry has a stigma of being a "difficult" course. To help students overcome this mindset and to feel successful, we will discuss concepts as a class, moving beyond basic lectures.
Chemistry requires math; a solid grasp of algebra is required.
The study of chemistry is linear; everything builds on itself. It’s important that student devote the time to stay on track with assigned work. This prevents stress as students struggle to catch up.
Chemistry is best understood and practiced by writing notes and formulas using pen and paper.
Repeated practice is KEY. Students will be expected to hand write all lab reports as well as practice problems. This is the expectation of any college chemistry course.
Chemistry is best learned with consistent practice and a sufficient amount of time devoted to the subject every week: 8-12 hours per week is a good expectation for an honors chemistry class.
Core and Supplemental Resources
Your digital resources fee includes:
An ebook of Pearson's Introductory Chemistry (7th edition, 2024) by Nivaldo Tro.
This textbook is used as a primary source in some one-semester college chemistry courses. We will use this as our full-year text.
The ebook also has audio capability; it can read pages aloud to a student if that is desired.
Pearson's interactive, text-aligned tools offer representations, videos, models, and activities that instruct, explain, and reinforce scientific phenomena and help students explore and solve scientific problems.
A variety of virtual and hands-on labs will be interwoven throughout the course. We will strive to connect ideas and concepts in chemistry to relevant, real-world applications.
A successful chemistry class is more than a lecture. Students need to feel comfortable asking questions, working with partners, and discussing concepts as a group. Chemistry is new for everyone in this class! I know from experience what it takes to be successful in chemistry: working with partners to discuss material and calculate problems. We will utilize group work extensively in class. I encourage students to speak up! Ask questions! Come to class with questions you need answered!