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Blue Tent Instructors

Ashley Porter - Blue Tent Geometry, Precalculus & AP Statistics Instructor

Ashley Porter

Algebra 1, Geometry, Precalculus, Statistics,

Trig Workshop, AP Environmental Science


Ashley Porter is a graduate of North Carolina State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and two minors--in Statistics and Environmental Science--all in under four years.

For as long as she can remember, mathematics and its relationship to daily life has fascinated her. Throughout high school and college, her amazing teachers helped nurture a love for mathematics and its unique language. Her passion for numbers grew exponentially with each new concept learned. Originally attending NC State in hopes of pursuing a Civil Engineering degree, Ashley switched to Applied Mathematics and Statistics in her sophomore year, as she quickly found a deeper passion for abstract topics--where two multiplied by two no longer equals four. 


Before college, she took every math class her high school offered, while also tutoring her peers in a variety of math topics. During her sophomore and junior years at NC State, she was a Teacher’s Assistant for Calculus 2. Her experience tutoring in both high school and college kindled a passion for teaching. Her goal is to provide a positive learning environment, preserving the importance of mathematics while empowering students to unlock the ability to see it in a whole new way. Ashley is committed to helping students develop a growth mindset as they tackle and learn difficult topics in math. Her sincere hope is to help others increase their love of math through fun and optimism. 


Some of her favorite math topics include geometry, abstract algebra, logic, and statistics. In addition to teaching high school math at Blue Tent, Ashley currently tutors online at Zooming Through Math, and previously taught mathematics in a private school in Clayton, North Carolina.


Ashley and her husband live in a small town just south of Raleigh with their baby (well, fur baby). She loves traveling, playing board games, hosting friends, drawing and journaling and is actively involved in her church community. In 2016 she traveled to Indonesia, Germany, and the Netherlands, making a full 360-degree circle around the globe in under 30 days. 


Background & Experience

  • BS in Applied Mathematics, 2018, North Carolina State University;

    • Minor in Statistics

    • Minor in Environmental Science

  • Blue Tent Instructor (2019-Present)

    • Algebra

    • Geometry

    • Precalculus 

    • AP Statistics

  • Math Instructor, LifeSpring Academy, Clayton, NC (2018-22)

    • Precalculus

    • Honors Precalculus

    • AP Statistics

  • Calculus 2 Teaching Assistant at NC State (2015-17)

  • College Board-authorized AP Statistics instructor:

    • Authorized AP Statistics syllabus

  • College Board training:

    • AP Statistics Summer Institute (1-week course)

  • Earned a "5" on AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, and AP Statistics exams


Feedback & Reviews

Read student/parent reviews of Ashley Porter's classes HERE.


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