Marine Biology & Oceanography
The Fine Print
Course Goals
Upon completion of the course:
Students will have assessed ocean composition and how it interacts with the atmosphere.
Students will have identified the various forms of life within the ocean.
Students will have distinguished between the various ecosystems that constitute the ocean.
Students will have hypothesized solutions to threats to the marine environment.
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
illustrate the role plate tectonics plays in ocean formation and other geological processes
measure the impact ocean chemistry has on various organisms and marine processes
identify various marine organisms
identify through experimentation various processes necessary for marine life survival
distinguish between marine ecosystems
categorize marine life by ecosystem
give examples of resources acquired from the ocean
interpret threats to the marine environment
work cooperatively as a member of a peer group
carry out scientific experiments and accurately record and analyze results
discuss science in the news
Instructor Demo
ZOOM Demo: Learn more about how Marcy Swisher will be teaching this class.
Course Resources
Textbook & Resources
Required: Digital Resources $45 purchased through Blue Tent, include:
23”x36” blank world map shipped to each student by the instructor
Required: Colored pencils
Optional: A hardback copy of the class text can be purchased on own or borrowed through Blue Tent OnLoan.
Other Resources
Custom lab kit: approx $154 | ordering information will be provided by the instructor
Google account (free) | to access Google Maps and other Google resources
Adobe Reader | a free download
Common lab supplies | a list of supplies that can be purchased at your grocery store will be provided.
Technical Resources
A reliable internet connection
A computer with a web-cam
A working microphone
A free phone/computer scanning app: Adobe Scan
Earbuds or a headset with a microphone (a built-in computer microphone will work if needed)