This self-paced online English Literature & Composition 2 course is designed for high school homeschoolers in the 10th grade and up who are seeking a comprehensive high school English class.
Through analytical reading and targeted essay writing, students will delve deeply into the souls of literary characters and into the minds of the writers who created them. Beginning with Old English Beowulf and ending progressing into contemporary literature, students will explore the many facets that equip novels, plays, and short stories to stand the test of time--moving us all emotionally, intellectually, and socially.
Class Details
Self-Paced English Literature & Composition 2 | Available to start from Sept 1 to Dec 1, 2025 | Must be completed by June 30, 2026
Tuition & Resources:
Tuition: $750
Instructor: Christine Proctor
Dates: Available to begin only during the Blue Tent first semester: Sept 1 to Dec 1, 2025 | Must be completed by June 30, 2026
Self-Paced Format:
Instruction is delivered, assignments are completed or uploaded, and tests and quizzes are taken in an online classroom.
This class is teacher-graded. Some assignments are automatically graded or self-graded.
Christine Proctor will provide detailed feedback on essays, and she will be available for student questions daily.
Grade level: 10th and up (15+) | We're pretty firm on this--thank you!
For age/grade guidelines, prerequisites, and class-fit recommendations for all classes, please see our FAQ.
Average weekly time estimate if following a 9-month pacing: 5-7 hours.
A Lift to Lit Analysis
As experienced readers, students who join this class realize that an author’s intent and what we glean from fiction and non-fiction may be quite different. In weekly class discussion forums--where students post opinions and consider additional points of view--perspectives will be broadened. Writing essays about the assigned reading will challenge the class to think deeply.
A variety of resources, assignments, and discussions interweave to help students and their classmates hone their skills in the areas they need it the most.
Beginning with identifying the simplest simile, students quickly move to appreciate the reasons writers use extended metaphors, motifs, and many other literary strategies.
Everything assigned in English 2 is planned with focused and purposeful objectives in mind--there is never any random busywork.
Practicing annotation skills that are needed for close reading will help students excavate their way to becoming more discerning readers and writers.
Pump Up Your Writing
This is a course for students who already feel comfortable composing and editing multi-paragraph essays that apply sound grammar conventions, arguable thesis statements, a variety of sentence structures and word choices, and topic/closing sentences. This will be our starting point.
Short and efficient grammar exercises will avoid a rehash of what is already known. These assignments will be designed to pump up writing skillfulness.
Students will receive detailed instructor feedback on each essay that is written.
Regularly recurring test-prep exercises will help prepare students for the English and writing portions of the SAT and ACT. Tailored assignments will be geared expressly towards fine tuning for those standardized tests.
With the likelihood of AP English on the horizon, this class will offer a solid pre-AP grounding.