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The Page-a-Day Aspiring Authors Club | 24-25

Image by Marcos Paulo Prado

Love writing? Do you have a thousand ideas for stories swimming around in your head? Have you started those stories only to have them buried beneath school schedules and life activities?


If that sounds like you, this supportive writers club can help you take your ideas from imaginings in your head to stories on a page.


  • Do you want to submit work to scholastic award programs?

  • Do you want to publish your work?

  • Or do you want to just write for your own pleasure? 


Whatever your goals, Christine Proctor wants this club to be a safe haven for serious writers to share, compare, and offer helpful feedback to peers who are walking in similar shoes. It will help you stay on track--as you commit to goals and then stay accountable to the others in your club.


Your stories will likely be quite different from the others in the club, and that's part of the fun. You'll have a chance to send and receive fresh feedback from a supportive audience that faces your challenges and understands the skills you want to bring to bear. Your clubmates will understand the sensitivity needed when offering outside ideas and honest advice.


How the Club Will Work

  • Author Accountability. Members will check in daily. Does that sound like a lot? Well, it's really not.

    • You will set your own goals for how many words or pages you want to write a day and then stick to them with the help of your other club member friends.

    • Remember, published authors write daily. Whether they feel inspired or not, they just do it! So if your goal is to be one of those published authors down the road, establishing a habit of daily writing is key, and this outlet will help you get there.

    • Morning writing, night time writing. Time of day often makes a difference to stay the course. To stay disciplined in daily effort, writers will share and compare what has worked--and not worked for them.

  • Live Meetings. The first club meeting will be to say hello, set goals, and form writing partnerships. The group will then meet every other Friday to read aloud what they've been working on and to receive feedback from the facilitator and fellow club members.

  • Small Groups. Writers will be grouped into twos or threes to help with accountability.

  • Online Forums. There will be an online venue for students to check in as well as to meet up and share their thoughts and questions and advice throughout each month if they wish to.​


A Few More Details​

  • Cost per session: $400

  • Facilitator: Christine Proctor

  • Meeting Dates:

    • Session 1 | Summer Intensive 2024 | June 3-August 2, 2024 | COMPLETE

    • Session 2 | Fall 2024 | 14 weeks | September 2-December 6, 2024 | FULL/No Waitlist

    • Session 3 | Spring 2025 | 14 weeks | January 13-April 18, 2025 | OPEN

  • Meeting Times: Every other Friday, 2-3 p.m. Eastern â€‹

  • Session size: 8

  • Grade level: 9th-12th


Christine wants you to know this is a club, not a "class." Her voice will be one among many, offering kudos and suggestions at live meetings. But there will be no assignments or deadlines or written feedback. 


This is a club for serious writers who will commit to writing daily and sharing biweekly--offering the kind of accountability that Christine, herself, has found invaluable in her own personal writing journey,


Whether published works are on the horizon or not, this club is designed to encourage discipline and offer unwavering support to help make what's in your imagination become real! 


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